
SOGIDO, your freight forwarder in Cameroon

Robert TchakounteDear visitor, welcome to our website!

SOGIDO is a company specialized in the facilitation of the transition of goods across the borders of Cameroon and the countries of the ECCAS Cluster (Economic Community of Central African States), including: Chad, the Central African Republic, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and the Republic of the Congo.

Our company is established in Douala, Cameroon ever since its creation in 1999. We are a trusted partner of Cameroon’s National Customs Authority, to whom we have always given entire satisfaction, thanks to our experience with the rules, regulations and machinery of its administration which we have learnt to master.

With an initial base Capital of 10 million CFA Francs (€ 15,000) in the first year of operation, the company has grown strongly over the years which is reflected by a 10% increase to the Capital, now at over 100 million CFA Francs (€ 150,000) as of January 2012.

Our growth plan is to reach an increase of Capital to 250 million CFA Francs (€ 380,000) by Q1 of 2016, therefore giving us the solid grounding we need to be fully established and permanently operational in every main regional custom point on the continent, whether fully equipped or in expansion.

We have been chosen on many occasions by numerous multinationals for the Door-to-Door transit service of their freight goods because of our network of correspondents around the world, strengthened by our membership status at the FIATA, of which we attended the last General Congress in Los Angeles, USA in October 2012.

Because we understand how precious your time is, reducing the timely release of your goods is paramount! This unique trait at SOGIDO has earned us many awards from Cameroon’s National Customs Authority, like the Quality Label for Import and Export, which is equivalent to ‘Industry Leading Standard‘.

I would like to thank you for your interest in our company and its values. Let me invite you to visit our website, where you will find plenty of information on the quality of our service!

Do not hesitate to contact us for advice and help on any issues you may have regarding your Supply Chain.

Yours Sincerely,
Robert Tchakounte
President and CEO